The Strong4Sean Foundation


Strong4Sean is a 501(c)3 organization created in 2013 to honor Sean Bass. Sean, a husband and father who lived in Manchester, Maryland, died of leukemia in 2012.

Sean Bass

Sean Bass

Sean Bass was best known for being a loving husband and dedicated father. He lived purposefully, worked hard and didn’t sweat the little things that life threw at him.

Throughout his illness, Sean and I spoke endlessly about how remarkably fortunate we were to be surrounded by so much love and support. We talked about giving back once all the leukemia nonsense was over and done with. During our time at Johns Hopkins, we met several families who were not as fortunate as we were, families who were fighting the battle on their own, who didn’t have the dedicated following that Sean had.

The Strong4Sean Foundation will be the vehicle by which Sean is able to give back for all the support he received during his battle.The mission of the Foundation is to maintain Sean’s legacy of strength, courage, perseverance and community service by providing support to families facing cancer.

To those who have the misfortune to die young, history assigns the role of inspirer.” -Daniel J. Boorstin